The Bodhisattva (Song)
Let me a pure white lotus be
Unfolding in Samsara’s stream,
Let all the gloom of misery
Be gathered in my lotus dream;
Let each dew drop that studded lie
On each white radiant fold,
Reflect the mercy of the law
That turns death’s bliss to gold.
Let every wave that tumbles down,
Their curled slim of wrath, repair
To lotus roots of dusky brown,
In my compassion’s bounty share;
Let every sparks of vengeance rowed
Round lotus stalks entwine.
And greed and lies transformed by love
In lotus heart enshrine.
When each life drop has sped away
Across my pure white lily door
When I have drained all sorrow may
I speed to deck that lustless floor.
Let every petal softly fold,
In summer’s golden shine
Retreat to claim the splendid prize
Nirvana’s joy last Mine!